 sql >> Cơ Sở Dữ Liệu >  >> RDS >> Oracle

Chọn chuỗi phân tách làm bảng trong Oracle sql

Giải pháp này hoạt động với một số cột tùy ý (chiều rộng, chiều cao, ...) và giá trị.

-- your test data  
with data(val) as
 (select 'Width:10|7|20|45,Height:25|5|6|45,Length:35|6|3|4' from dual),

-- split by ,
cols as
 (select regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level) val
    from (select val as str from data)
  connect by regexp_substr((select val as str from data),
                           level) is not null),

-- split by :
hdr_and_cols as
 (select substr(val, 1, instr(val, ':') - 1) as hdr,
         substr(val, instr(val, ':') + 1) as val
    from cols),

-- split by |
hdr_lvl_vals as
 (select distinct x.hdr,
                  level as entry,
                  regexp_substr(x.val, '[^|]+', 1, level) as val
    from hdr_and_cols x
  connect by regexp_substr(x.val, '[^|]+', 1, level) is not null)

select * from hdr_lvl_vals;

Kết quả:

Giá trị nhập
hdr     entry   value
Height  1       25
Height  2       5
Height  3       6
Height  4       45
Length  1       35
Length  2       6
Length  3       3
Length  4       4
Width   1       10
Width   2       7
Width   3       20
Width   4       45

Bạn có thể định dạng kết quả theo cách bạn thích, ví dụ:

-- your test data  
with data(val) as
 (select 'Width:10|7|20|45,Height:25|5|6|45,Length:35|6|3|4' from dual),

-- split by ,
cols as
 (select regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level) val
    from (select val as str from data)
  connect by regexp_substr((select val as str from data),
                           level) is not null),

-- split by :
hdr_and_cols as
 (select substr(val, 1, instr(val, ':') - 1) as hdr,
         substr(val, instr(val, ':') + 1) as val
    from cols),

-- split by |
hdr_lvl_vals as
 (select distinct x.hdr,
                  level as entry,
                  regexp_substr(x.val, '[^|]+', 1, level) as val
    from hdr_and_cols x
  connect by regexp_substr(x.val, '[^|]+', 1, level) is not null)

-- format output
select w.val as width, h.val as heigth, l.val as length
  from (select entry, val from hdr_lvl_vals where hdr = 'Width') w,
       (select entry, val from hdr_lvl_vals where hdr = 'Height') h,
       (select entry, val from hdr_lvl_vals where hdr = 'Length') l,
       (select level as entry
          from dual
        connect by level <= (select max(entry) from hdr_lvl_vals)) r
 where r.entry = w.entry
   and r.entry = h.entry
   and r.entry = l.entry;

Đầu ra:

10      25      35
7       5       6
20      6       3
45      45      4

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Sử dụng ROWID để định vị Hàng / Bản ghi trong Oracle có an toàn không?

  2. Lỗi C # ORA 00907:Thiếu dấu ngoặc đơn phải

  3. VARCHAR (MAX) so với VARCHAR (n) trong Oracle

  4. TẠO Thủ tục Oracle

  5. ngoại lệ bảo mật java:vi phạm niêm phong trong khi cố gắng kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu