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Yêu cầu SQL để tìm xem một dấu chấm có được bao phủ đầy đủ hay không

CHỈNH SỬA: Xem tại đây để biết MySQL Fiddle SQL hoạt động: SQLFiddle , điều đó thực sự hoạt động bình thường vào thời điểm này :-)

Thử những thứ này xem. Điểm mấu chốt là nếu Shortfall > 0 thì bạn không thể đặt thuê.

MSSQL - đây là cách tôi đã giải quyết nó

DECLARE @start DATETIME = '2013-04-29' -- this will depend on your dateformat
DECLARE @end DATETIME = '2013-05-10'
DECLARE @days INT = DATEDIFF(D,@start, @end) -- this is how many days we actually want to stay
DECLARE @unusedDays INT = 0 -- this will be the number of unused days from the rental periods in which our start and end dates fall
SELECT  @UnusedDays = DATEDIFF(D,@end,end_at) FROM PERIODS WHERE (@end > start_at AND @end <= end_at) -- how many spare days are there in the final period?
SELECT  @UnusedDays = @UnusedDays + DATEDIFF(D,start_at, @start) FROM PERIODS WHERE (@start >= start_at AND @start < end_at) -- how many spare days are there in the start period?
SELECT  @days + @UnusedDays - SUM(DATEDIFF(D,start_at,end_at)) AS Shortfall, -- total shortfall in days. Zero if we are okay to rent
        SUM(DATEDIFF(D,start_at,end_at)) AS AvailableDays, -- total number of days available in all periods covering our chosen rental period
        @days AS DesiredDays, -- number of days we want to rent
        @UnusedDays AS WastedDays -- number of wasted days (if we start or end our rental mid-period)
WHERE   (@start >= start_at AND @start < end_at) -- period in which our selected rental starts
OR      (end_at < @end AND start_at > @start) -- period completely within our selected rental
OR      (@end > start_at AND @end <= end_at) -- period in which our selected rental ends

Điều này cung cấp đầu ra như thế này:

-- if you have @start = '2013-05-05'
-- and @end = '2013-05-13'
-- then you get
Shortfall AvailableDays DesiredDays WastedDays


-- if you have @start = '2013-04-29'
-- and @end = '2013-05-10'
-- then you get
Shortfall AvailableDays DesiredDays WastedDays


MySQL - đây là những gì bạn thực sự muốn

SET @start = '2013-04-29';
SET @end = '2013-05-10';
SET @days = DATEDIFF(@end, @start); -- this is how many days we actually want to stay
SET @UnusedDays = 0; -- this will be the number of unused days from the rental periods in which our start and end dates fall
SELECT  @UnusedDays := DATEDIFF(end_at,@end) FROM PERIODS WHERE (@end > start_at AND @end <= end_at); -- how many spare days are there in the final period?
SELECT 'hello';
SELECT  @UnusedDays := @UnusedDays + DATEDIFF(@start, start_at) FROM PERIODS WHERE (@start >= start_at AND @start < end_at); -- how many spare days are there in the start period?
SELECT 'hello';
SELECT  @days + @UnusedDays - SUM(DATEDIFF(end_at, start_at)) AS Shortfall, -- total shortfall in days. Zero if we are okay to rent
        SUM(DATEDIFF(end_at, start_at)) AS AvailableDays, -- total number of days available in all periods covering our chosen rental period
        @days AS DesiredDays, -- number of days we want to rent
        @UnusedDays AS WastedDays -- number of wasted days (if we start or end our rental mid-period)
WHERE   (@start >= start_at AND @start < end_at) -- period in which our selected rental starts
OR      (end_at < @end AND start_at > @start) -- period completely within our selected rental
OR      (@end > start_at AND @end <= end_at); -- period in which our selected rental ends

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Dấu gạch nối trong tên cột trong MySQL DB

  2. Truy xuất id được chèn cuối cùng cho nhiều hàng

  3. Cách cập nhật lại cột id bắt đầu từ 1

  4. Tóm tắt cơ sở dữ liệu C # cho Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL và DB2

  5. Bán kính của nhiều điểm vĩ độ / kinh độ