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nhóm mysql trong khi một giá trị nằm trong một phạm vi

Hãy thử cách này:!2/e9372/ 1

Lợi thế khi thực hiện nó trên phía DB là bạn có thể sử dụng truy vấn không chỉ trên PHP, bạn cũng có thể sử dụng nó trên Java, C #, Python, v.v. Và thực hiện nó rất nhanh ở phía DB

  if(idle_state = 1, 
       concat('Idle ', idle_count), 
       concat('NonIdle ', non_idle_count) ) as Period,
  startTime, endTime, duration


    @idle_count := @idle_count + if(idle_state = 1,1,0) as idle_count,
    @non_idle_count := @non_idle_count +if(idle_state = 0,1,0) as non_idle_count,

    state_group, idle_state,
    min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,
    timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration
    select *,        
      @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
      @state_group := @state_group + 
                      if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
      @prev_state := @idle_state
    from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
    order by tbl.timeStamp
  ) as x
  ,(select @idle_count := 0 as y, @non_idle_count := 0 as z) as vars
  group by state_group, idle_state

) as summary

Đầu ra:

|    PERIOD |                  STARTTIME |                    ENDTIME | DURATION |
|    Idle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
| NonIdle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|    Idle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
| NonIdle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

Xem tiến trình truy vấn tại đây:!2 / e9372 / 1

Cách hoạt động:

Năm bước.

Trước tiên, hãy tách biệt trạng thái nhàn rỗi và không hoạt động:

select *,
  @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state
from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
order by tbl.timeStamp;

Đầu ra:

|                  TIMESTAMP |  RPM | Y | IDLE_STATE |
| May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 |  802 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:03:45-0700 |  845 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:04:50-0700 |  825 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |  810 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | 1000 | 0 |          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:08:03-0700 | 1005 | 0 |          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:09:05-0700 | 1145 | 0 |          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 | 1110 | 0 |          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 |  800 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:12:22-0700 |  812 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:13:20-0700 |  820 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |  820 | 0 |          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | 1200 | 0 |          0 |

Thứ hai, tách các thay đổi thành các nhóm:

select *,  
  @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
  @state_group := @state_group + 
                  if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
  @prev_state := @idle_state

from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
order by tbl.timeStamp;

Đầu ra:

| May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 |  802 | 0 |          1 |           1 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:03:45-0700 |  845 | 0 |          1 |           1 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:04:50-0700 |  825 | 0 |          1 |           1 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |  810 | 0 |          1 |           1 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | 1000 | 0 |          0 |           2 |                          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:08:03-0700 | 1005 | 0 |          0 |           2 |                          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:09:05-0700 | 1145 | 0 |          0 |           2 |                          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 | 1110 | 0 |          0 |           2 |                          0 |
| May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 |  800 | 0 |          1 |           3 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:12:22-0700 |  812 | 0 |          1 |           3 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:13:20-0700 |  820 | 0 |          1 |           3 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |  820 | 0 |          1 |           3 |                          1 |
| May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | 1200 | 0 |          0 |           4 |                          0 |

Thứ ba, nhóm chúng và tính thời lượng:

  state_group, idle_state,
  min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,
  timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration
  select *,    
    @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
    @state_group := @state_group + 
                    if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
    @prev_state := @idle_state
  from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
  order by tbl.timeStamp
) as x
group by state_group, idle_state;

Đầu ra:

| STATE_GROUP | IDLE_STATE |                  STARTTIME |                    ENDTIME | DURATION |
|           1 |          1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
|           2 |          0 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|           3 |          1 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
|           4 |          0 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

Thứ tư, nhận số lượng nhàn rỗi và không nhàn rỗi:


  @idle_count := @idle_count + if(idle_state = 1,1,0) as idle_count,
  @non_idle_count := @non_idle_count + if(idle_state = 0,1,0) as non_idle_count,

  state_group, idle_state,
  min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,
  timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration
  select *,        
    @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
    @state_group := @state_group + 
                    if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
    @prev_state := @idle_state
  from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
  order by tbl.timeStamp
) as x
,(select @idle_count := 0 as y, @non_idle_count := 0 as z) as vars
group by state_group, idle_state;

Đầu ra:

|          1 |              0 |           1 |          1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
|          1 |              1 |           2 |          0 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|          2 |              1 |           3 |          1 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
|          2 |              2 |           4 |          0 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

Cuối cùng, loại bỏ các biến tổ chức:

  if(idle_state = 1, 
       concat('Idle ', idle_count), 
       concat('NonIdle ', non_idle_count) ) as Period,
  startTime, endTime, duration


    @idle_count := @idle_count + if(idle_state = 1,1,0) as idle_count,
    @non_idle_count := @non_idle_count +if(idle_state = 0,1,0) as non_idle_count,

    state_group, idle_state,
    min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,
    timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration
    select *,        
      @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
      @state_group := @state_group + 
                      if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
      @prev_state := @idle_state
    from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
    order by tbl.timeStamp
  ) as x
  ,(select @idle_count := 0 as y, @non_idle_count := 0 as z) as vars
  group by state_group, idle_state

) as summary

Đầu ra:

|    PERIOD |                  STARTTIME |                    ENDTIME | DURATION |
|    Idle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
| NonIdle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|    Idle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
| NonIdle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

Xem tiến trình truy vấn tại đây:!2/ e9372 / 1


Truy vấn có thể được rút gọn!2/418cb / 1

Nếu bạn để ý, số khoảng thời gian xuất hiện song song với nhau (nhàn rỗi-nonIdle, nhàn rỗi-không hoạt động, v.v.). Bạn chỉ có thể làm điều này:


  case when idle_state then
     concat('Idle ', @rn := @rn + 1) 
     concat('Non-idle ', @rn )
  end as Period,

  min(timeStamp) as startTime, max(timeStamp) as endTime,

  timestampdiff(second, min(timeStamp), max(timeStamp)) as duration

  select *,        
  @idle_state := if(rpm between 800 and 900, 1, 0) as idle_state,
  @state_group := @state_group + if(@idle_state = @prev_state,0,1) as state_group,
  @prev_state := @idle_state
  from (tbl, (select @state_group := 0 as y) as vars)
  order by tbl.timeStamp
) as x,
(select @rn := 0) as rx
group by state_group, idle_state

Đầu ra:

|     PERIOD |                  STARTTIME |                    ENDTIME | DURATION |
|     Idle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:02:56-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:05:55-0700 |      179 |
| Non-idle 1 | May, 01 2012 01:07:00-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:10:15-0700 |      195 |
|     Idle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:11:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:14:20-0700 |      180 |
| Non-idle 2 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 | May, 01 2012 01:15:20-0700 |        0 |

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Điều kiện MySQL từ nhiều hàng

  2. Mysqli tìm nạp mảng hàng thứ n

  3. Tại sao MySQL trả về một số float trong ký hiệu khoa học, mà không phải là những thứ khác?

  4. Các phương pháp hay nhất trong cơ sở dữ liệu chia tỷ lệ:Phần 1

  5. Tại sao các thủ tục được lưu trữ vẫn không được hỗ trợ trong Rails (3+)?