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Thư viện ODP.NET Managed không giải quyết được bí danh, nhưng thư viện 32 bit thì không

Có thể cách giải quyết này phù hợp với bạn. Bạn có thể tự mình truy vấn máy chủ LDAP và đặt chuỗi kết nối đầy đủ vào mã của bạn.

Bạn có thể giải quyết chuỗi kết nối từ LDAP bằng mã này:

using (OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection())
    connection.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" + ResolveServiceNameLdap("alias") + ";User id=user;Password=password";


  private static string ResolveServiceNameLdap(string serviceName)
     string tnsAdminPath = Path.Combine(@"C:\oracle\network", "ldap.ora");
     // or something more advanced...

     // ldap.ora can contain many LDAP servers
     IEnumerable<string> directoryServers = null;

     if ( File.Exists(tnsAdminPath) ) {
        string defaultAdminContext = string.Empty;

        using ( var sr = File.OpenText(tnsAdminPath) ) {
           string line;

           while ( ( line = sr.ReadLine() ) != null ) {
              // Ignore comments or empty lines
              if ( line.StartsWith("#") || line == string.Empty )

              // If line starts with DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT then get its value
              if ( line.StartsWith("DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT") )
                 defaultAdminContext = line.Substring(line.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim(new[] { '\"', ' ' });

              // If line starts with DIRECTORY_SERVERS then get its value
              if ( line.StartsWith("DIRECTORY_SERVERS") ) {
                 string[] serversPorts = line.Substring(line.IndexOf('=') + 1).Trim(new[] { '(', ')', ' ' }).Split(',');
                 directoryServers = serversPorts.SelectMany(x => {
                    // If the server includes multiple port numbers, this needs to be handled
                    string[] serverPorts = x.Split(':');
                    if ( serverPorts.Count() > 1 )
                       return serverPorts.Skip(1).Select(y => string.Format("{0}:{1}", serverPorts.First(), y));

                    return new[] { x };

        // Iterate through each LDAP server, and try to connect
        foreach ( string directoryServer in directoryServers ) {
           // Try to connect to LDAP server with using default admin contact
           try {
              var directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + directoryServer + "/" + defaultAdminContext, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous);
              var directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry, "(&(objectclass=orclNetService)(cn=" + serviceName + "))", new[] { "orclnetdescstring" }, SearchScope.Subtree);
              SearchResult searchResult = directorySearcher.FindOne();
              var value = searchResult.Properties["orclnetdescstring"][0] as byte[];
              if ( value != null )
                 connectionString = Encoding.Default.GetString(value);

              // If the connection was successful, then not necessary to try other LDAP servers
           } catch {
              // If the connection to LDAP server not successful, try to connect to the next LDAP server

        // If casting was not successful, or not found any TNS value, then result is an error 
        if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString) ) 
           throw new Exception("TNS value not found in LDAP");

     } else {
        // If ldap.ora doesn't exist, then throw error 
        throw new FileNotFoundException("ldap.ora not found");

     return connectionString;

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