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Declare @YourTable table ([Event] varchar(100),[Start] DateTime,[End] DateTime, [Tag] varchar(25))
 Insert Into @YourTable values
 ('10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:44','9/9/16 10:48','Big'),
 ('10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:44','9/9/16 10:49','Big'),
 ('10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:50','9/9/16 10:51','Small'),
 ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 12:51','4/4/16 13:58','Big'),
 ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 14:04','4/4/16 14:29','Small'),
 ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 14:51','4/4/16 14:58','Big'),
 ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 15:04','4/4/16 15:29','Small'),
 ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4-4-16 15:45','4-4-16 15:55','Big'),
 ('11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002W 11-PSV-401002D','4/4/16 16:04','4/4/16 16:45','Big');

 Select [Event]
  ,[Tag_new] = case when Tag = 'Big'
                                    and Lead(Tag,1,'') over (Partition By Event
                                                            Order By Start
                                    = 'Small'
                                then 'Small'
                                else tag

  ,[Tag_new2] = case when (Tag = 'Big'
                            and lag(Tag,1,'') over  (Partition By Event
                                                        Order By Start
                                = 'Small'
                            and Lead(Tag,1,'') over (Partition By Event
                                                        Order By Start
                                = 'Small'

                        or (Tag = 'Small'
                            and lag(Tag,2,'') over  (Partition By Event
                                                    Order By Start
                                = 'Small'
                            and lag(Tag,1,'') over  (Partition By Event
                                                    Order By Start
                                = 'Big'
                    then 'Small2'
                    else case when Tag = 'Big'
                                    and Lead(Tag,1,'') over (Partition By Event
                                                            Order By Start
                                    = 'Small'
                                then 'Small'
                                else tag

  From  @YourTable;

Để đáp lại bản cập nhật của bạn và giả sử bạn có thể thêm một số cột vào bảng Staging của mình:

Declare @YourTable table (EventRN int, StartRN int, MaxStartRN int, [Event] varchar(100),[Start] DateTime,[End] DateTime, [Tag] varchar(25), [TagNext] varchar(25))
 Insert Into @YourTable values
 (null,null,null,'10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:44','9/9/16 10:49','Big',null),
 (null,null,null,'10PIC700422.PV 10-PSV-700073A 10-PSV-700073B','9/9/16 10:50','9/9/16 10:51','Small',null),
 (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 12:51','4/4/16 13:58','Big',null),
 (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 14:04','4/4/16 14:29','Small',null),
 (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 14:51','4/4/16 14:58','Big',null),
 (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 15:04','4/4/16 15:29','Small',null),
 (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4/4/16 15:30','4/4/16 15:32','Small',null),
 (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002A 11-PSV-401002B','4-4-16 15:45','4-4-16 15:55','Big',null),
 (null,null,null,'11PIC41010.PV 11-PSV-401002W 11-PSV-401002D','4/4/16 16:04','4/4/16 16:45','Big',null);

update t
set EventRN = tt.EventRN
    ,StartRN = tt.StartRN
    ,MaxStartRN = tt.MaxStartRN
    ,TagNext = tt.TagNext
from @YourTable t
    inner join (
              select dense_rank() over (order by Event
                                        ) as EventRN
                    ,row_number() over (partition by Event
                                        order by Start
                                        ) as StartRN
                    ,count(1) over (partition by Event) as MaxStartRN
                    ,lead(Tag,1,null) over (partition by Event
                                                        order by Start
                        as TagNext
              from @YourTable
              ) tt
        on(t.[Event] = tt.[Event]
            and t.[Start] = tt.[Start]
            and t.[End] = tt.[End]
            and t.Tag = tt.Tag

with cte as
    select EventRN
        ,cast(null as varchar(25)) as TagPrev

        ,case when TagNext = 'Small'
                        then TagNext
                        else Tag
                        end as TagNew
    from @YourTable
    where EventRN = 1
        and StartRN = 1

    union all

    select t.EventRN
        ,case when t.EventRN = c.EventRN then c.Tag else null end as TagPrev

        ,case when t.EventRN = c.EventRN and c.Tag = 'Small' and t.Tag = 'Big' and t.TagNext = 'Small'
                or t.EventRN = c.EventRN and c.TagNew = 'Small2' and t.Tag = 'Small'
            then 'Small2'
            else case when t.TagNext = 'Small'
                        then t.TagNext
                        else t.Tag
    from cte c
        inner join @YourTable t
            on((c.StartRN < c.MaxStartRN
                and t.EventRN = c.EventRN
                and t.StartRN = c.StartRN+1
                or (c.StartRN = c.MaxStartRN
                    and t.EventRN = c.EventRN+1
                    and t.StartRN = 1
select [Event]
from cte
order by Event

  1. Database
  3. Mysql
  5. Oracle
  7. Sqlserver
  9. PostgreSQL
  11. Access
  13. SQLite
  15. MariaDB
  1. Cú pháp không chính xác gần ''

  2. SQL Server 2012 tạo Yêu cầu HTTP 'GET' từ một thủ tục được lưu trữ

  3. Tách chuỗi. nhận giá trị đầu tiên của SQL Server 2005 phân tách

  4. Số lượng tích lũy SQL

  5. Kịch bản thời gian thiết kế SQL-Server DB (phân tán hoặc tập trung)